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Welcome to the Psychic Center!

Thank you for visiting my website, just for visiting I have a special invitation for you a reading of your Choice,  Call today for a better tomorrow!

Please call:  203.695.4900
Por favor llame al:  203.695.4900


Love Crystal Healing Candles

Attracts and enhance romantic love by promoting positive energy associated with compassion, openness, and emotional healing, between you and your relationship, helps to restore love. Call for pricing.

Velas Curativas De Cristal De Amor

Atrae y mejora el amor romántico al promover la energía positiva asociada con la compasión, la apertura y la curación emocional entre usted y su relación, ayuda a restaurar el amor. Llame para conocer los precios.

Psychic Center
Welcome Spiritual Healing in Guidance

The Premier Psychic Center of Connecticut, New York,
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, California and across the country is now accepting phone readings!
Call 203.695.4900 • se habla español

Welcome! — I am a love psychic specialist and use my psychic gifts to see into your present situation and reveal the future how your love interest really feel what they desire and where the relationship is really headed.

I am a professional psychic and clairvoyant with over 30 years plus of experience and using my psychic gifts to support you and your relationship and life directions.

I was born with a special gift to help those who cannot help themselves questions such as does he/she really love me is he/she my soul mate will my relationship last is he/she cheating on me will I be at my job next year what will the future bring, what happened in my past why am I so unlucky.

With my psychic insights I will always tell you the truth not what you want to hear the truth may not always be easy to those in need of help you will know in just one reading on a positive direction.

I am a spiritual healer that has been helping people throughout the country! Healing through past life healing through negative energies healing through unlucky situations removing blockages where there is no hope! I guarantee help in all situations I’ve been known to be 97% accurate!

I look forward to hearing from you!  What I offer psychic readings Tarot card reading crystal ball reading Life coach chakra healing and balancing, meditation coaching  Past life regression psychic medium, readings by phone are available anytime.


Evil Eye Healing Candles

Protection from negativity, the primary function is to ward off negative energy directed towards the person, including envy, jealousy, and malicious intentions. Call for pricing.

Velas Curativas Del Mal De Ojo

Protección contra la negatividad, la función principal es alejar la energía negativa dirigida hacia la persona, incluida la envidia, los celos y las intenciones maliciosas. Llame para conocer los precios.

Areas Covered Include

Love and Relationship advice for you



Career Opportunities
and Promotion

Guidance for Future Goals and Desires



Inner Growth and Spiritual Development 

Readings available by phone 203.695.4900 • se habla español
Please contact us for any personal queries

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